A comparison of three column agglutination tests for red blood cell alloantibody identification

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Blomme et al.BMC Res Notes. 2020; 13 :129

Gel card technology continues to provide superior performance in the detection of antibodies.

44 samples with positive screening results with either OCD or Bio-Rad were analyzed for identification using the column agglutination technology (CAT).
Three test cell panels for identification of irregular RBC antibodies were compared: Autovue ® Innova (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics (OCD), Milan, Italy), ID-GelStation
(Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA, USA) and Erytra ® (Grifols, Barcelona, Spain). The resulting antibody identifications showed subtle differences between the three methods, with the gel card system (Bio-Rad and Grifols) being superior to the glass card system (Ortho) for analyzing stored samples.

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